Sunday, March 9, 2008

Harapan Baru Untuk Semua

As a first time voter, it was an exciting experience day for me to vote and be a responsible citizen. Over the past 2 weeks since the Prime Minister announced the 12th general election fall on March 8, ceramah after ceramah held all over ipoh areas. Seldom seen "candidates" also arrived all over contested areas. I met several of them but their arrival doesn't mean anything apart from a mere hand shake.
As mentioned in newspaper on the strong wind blowing towards the Opposition parties, i able to experience it myself particularly on DAP ceramah. The people turnout for the ceramah was unbelievable and i never witness such big audience in the last few elections. It said something don't you - MCA even begged for mercy and vote wisely and emotionally. I told my dad that one last ceramah will be held at Kampar Road, Ipoh and the turnout again was overwhelming. I saw some of the pictures snap by my dad at his blog "Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin", people was all over the place to get a glimpse of DAP's celebrity particularly Fong Poh Kuan and Lim Kit Siang.
Well, the election is over, and Ipoh one of the 5 states fell to Opposition and at least for time being, it will be a brand new state government in Ipoh and Harapan Baru untuk Semua.
This morning, when i get up and fetch my wife to have breakfast together, road to Bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan was closed and i heard that DAP already arrived to take over the placed. WOW! DAP rules in Ipoh not MCA or BN anymore. This is the message from the Ipoh folks who sick and tired of promise after promise but the economy still weak and slow compare to other states.
I felt tired now after spending whole nite following the updates of the election and also phones keep on ringing, feel like i'm of the candidates, i received calls after calls of the updates and unconfirmed results but as expected especially time is off for Mr Samy Vellu, no more "Woh Foong", then news came in on Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon and i watch the short media session, i was impressed with his professionalism and take the defeat and hope DAP carry the good work done by Gerakan over the past 40 years. Out Tan Sri, came in Mr LIm Guan Eng who promised no one race will be left out- what a positive message but what will happen in future, remain question.
As for Barisan who won by a simple majority, a shocking result describe by some analysts, the road not so smooth anymore from now on, the road to recovery is very long and will become underdog or "opposition" for 5 states in the 13th general election. The meesage was clear and loud from the rakyat that we want changed. Hope party involved will do critical analysis and come out with the conclusion and also what has be done to win over the rakyat from today onwards
Hurray DAP!!! btw who will become Menteri Besar Perak? Hopefully, Mr handsome; Mr Wong Kah Woh from DUN Canning.

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