Thus, already battle the war alone for past 6 years, i felt i had much more to achieve and in quick time, can't afford to let time past without achieving anything. i had my dad to be my mentor and gosh, its tough at the begginning, had to adjust myself and i learn not only in business but how to handle myself well.
It is fun to work together with him who are damn passionate in his career and i had to salute him. I will deliver my utmost dedication, delegation, passion, to my career. To my beloved wife, you sacrifice alot for me for past year and not to disrespect others, not much women out there do what you do for me, i know is not enough but to deliver the kind of results that bring more wealth and values only the way to reward. I will work damn hard and smart to ensure we had better lives this year, nothing less can be accepted.
Mom, i will become good boy under dad guidance, don't worry as u got works need to do from now on rather than stay at home, stay healthy..i love you.
Hey, gone are the past, now look forward and i had make my New Year Must Achieve Resolution..
This afternoon, while had lunch with colleague, i make a commitment with my ever passionate colleague, Cheng Cheng, to become 2009 MRDT member. I had talk enough but to prove myself i can step to another level in my career. During past days, i want to do but not enough action, always stop and go and wasted lots of time. This morning, Unit Manager, Lee Lai Ling had given me the 2009 MDRT production goals and it is RM 460,000 FYP. Hereby, i accepted the challenge from Cheng Cheng to become MDRT.
Next, i would like to have my car in the second half of the year, earlier i had placed booking for 2.4V Toyota Camry but later withdraw after accepting my dad advice. Now, here is my dream car..
Dad, i remember the words you said to me while we are in Kuching, i wil work hand in hand with you and for you to see own son to ride his way to the top podium to receive the Champion trophy for the year 2009. Nothing is impossible if we are determined to succeed.
Then, before the year end, will have a simple yet memorable wedding dinner that you won't forget. Don't worry, if i achieve what im suppose to achieved this year, my dad won't object as long as we don't waste unneccesary money. Then, you can have all the freedom at new home ok.
Happy New Year to my millionaire partner, Raymond, no more countdown ok, no more kiki lala, shared the same dream together and achieve our success within one year..
Also not to forget my other millionaire partners, Alex, Julia, Siti, Chang, Justina, Jasmine, Pauline, my beloved parents, best wishes to everybody.
Good to hear from you that dare to take up the challenge. You can be sure that I will support u all the way to success. Ok lah...No more count down la..
yeah, raymond..together we work, nothing is impossible, i still have catch to do, and i got few things to learn from you in terms of work. together we walk into journey of success...will get my mercedes very soon.
MDRT is not a goal; it is the recognition of achievement and that goal falls far too short of Our Dream. 525i is your reward for the hardwork. The objective is to achieve a million sales and nothing less. That's just the beginning... you must be the champion at the national level - that's the goal!
Your wedding dinner - that's a must but I want that dinner to celebrate your success: a result unparalleled and a record of a first time Unit Manager nationally.
i will always support you as long as you keep your "promise".besides, i did not sacrify, i just do the job of a wife should do.:)
you are right dad, MDRT is just a recognition along the way but to become Champion Agent 2009 and also Unit Manager 2009 is the ultmate goal. Break the record in style and we will celebrate together. Keep our focus tight everyday and success follow along the way and to become a millionaire in 1 year. Im ready for the war, nothing less is acceptable at my current age and situation.
Hi dear, nice you drop by the blog, i will always remember and practice my promise to you. Keep supporting me, we will have a very good life if i manage myself very well. No pain, No gain. Champion of 2009 is await all of us. Fulfill our dreams, together we work hand in hand, nothing is impossible. Cheers..
Way to go, William. Set your targets high and be persistent. I wish you well.
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