Friday, May 2, 2008

Vision in Life

How many times have you found yourself thinking back in time, wondering what life would have been like if you had done "this" differently, or if you had done "that" differently? If you had made different choices in your personal life, family life or in your career, what would you be like today? Would you have more money, would you dress differently, would you be traveling all year round with your beloved? Well, maybe life would be different but would you really change anything when it comes down to it? Probably not, as these are valuable experiences that have made you the wonderful person you are today. We cannot change the past, but what about the future?

Let's look at it from a different perspective. How many times have you had visions of the future? Before you approached your boss for that much deserved raise did you think in your mind what you would say, how you would say it, how your boss would answer, and how you would respond to any questions? If you didn't, you probably didn't get that raise. But if you did - congratulations! You had a vision of how the conversation would go, you knew how to handle it, and you probably walked out of your boss' office with a raise. I think about a professional baseball pitcher. Every time he reaches the mound, before he throws each pitch does he have a vision of the ball leaving his hand, floating through the air, crossing the plate within the strike zone, feeling the breeze of the batters swing as he misses the ball and it goes straight into the catcher's mitt? Of course he does!

Vision can be defined as a mental image, or intelligent foresight. As visionaries we can shape the future in our minds and make things happen that we never thought were possible. Put your visions to work for you. Have you established goals for yourself? Goals are not just for work and measuring your performance. Each of us should have short-term and long-term goals not only for our careers, but also for our personal life, family life, religious life, or whatever we feel is important. Goals can be as simple as getting the kids to school on time everyday, or cleaning out the hall closet, to something as complex as finishing a college degree or writing a book. Every successful business has a business plan-a road map to success. Why shouldn't you have a roadmap to success for your life?

How do we achieve our goals? Hard work, determination, perhaps a change in lifestyle-it all depends on you and your personal road map. Close your eyes and picture in your mind what you will have to do today to achieve just one goal on your list. Envision yourself moving through the day, following every step you need to get that task done. Now…open your eyes, and get to it!

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