Saturday, July 19, 2008

Working for the Right Person

Getting the work you want, creating your future, developing your skills can be hard, take time, and cost money. But this isn't a generational issue; it's a life-potential issue. We can hold these self-limiting beliefs whether we're Gen-Y, Gen-X, Boomers or Traditionalists.

When we think we work for other people instead of working for ourselves, we're less likely to make the investments in self-development, put in the time and determination, or make the trade-offs necessary to achieve the goals we desire.

When we think we work for "the boss" we're less likely to push ourselves, take on the challenging project, volunteer for extra assignments, or offer the best of who we are to our work, whatever that work may be.

When we work for other people, we're less likely to use our unique gifts to make a difference in our work group, community, or world. And we're less likely to have the internal drive and passion to sustain us through those workplace potholes.

Working for yourself is not about being an entrepreneur, owning your own business, or being self-employed. It's a vision, not a vocation.

You can give away the power over your future to bosses or other influencers in your life, or you can keep that power to fuel your dreams. As Nashua Cavalier put it, "Man's biggest mistake is to believe that he's working for someone else." When you believe you are, that's when work becomes work.

People who are winning at working work for the right person - the one looking back in mirror. That differentiation changes everything. It's easier to know what jobs to seek, skills to enhance, and opportunities to seize. It's easier to know when you should change paths, companies, or bosses. And it's easier to weather workplace stresses when you're the one holding the compass for your life.

People who are winning at working accept the accountability for inventing their future, realizing it's not the boss or the work or the company politics that stand in the way of their success. These can be obstacles to maneuver certainly, but the real obstacles are self-inflicted: fear, limiting beliefs, victim thinking or misplaced perspectives. These are what hold your life-potential in check.

Want to be winning at working? Start working for the right person


bayi said...

This is a very profound insight that only those who have the correct attitude will understand and only those with the required maturity will adopt.

And those who practise this will always win in life.

Fantastic article, William.

william yeoh said...

thanks bayi, always work with right person, you have the power to choose.