Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Are we still on the right track?

We just reached the half way point of 2007.

Six months of 2007 are gone.

Six months of 2007 remain.

How are you doing on your Goals?

Are you on track to reach them?

The sad reality is that the vast majority of people won't even take another look at their Goals again until January 1st, 2008.And then, they will set the same Goals in the same way and probably experience the same results.

Not very exciting, huh?

They are the same in America, Canada, Mexico, Italy, England, Australia, in every country on every continent anywhere in the world.

My ultimate goal still yet to be reached. Invest the next six months taking clear, decisive action towards creating momentum towards reaching your goals. Make the next six months the foundation, the road map needed to bring your deepest desires to life. Spend the next six months learning the process of setting yourself up for Success one Goal at a time, one step at a time.

"An average person with average talent, ambition and education, can outstrip the most brilliant genius in our society, if that person has clear, focused Goals." -Brian Tracy
There are 525,600 minutes in a year.
262,800 are gone.
262,800 remain.
What you do with the remaining minutes of 2007 will determine the course of the rest of the year... and the rest of your life.
In the meantime, think about your Goals and Dreams and what you really want for your life.
Live Your Dreams

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