Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sense of Humor

As the world move in fast pace, every country, government, private and public institution, every CEO, and people at large in this universe strive for their ultimate dreams, one might forget the importance of strong society around us. Few days ago, many might notice one of the country's major headliner, a mother kill her own daughter and then went to the police to report her daugther is missing. Is she insane? Do we play some part when this social problem occur? When prime minister keep stressing that we will achieve the Vision 2020 and so many other visions, social problem also keep increasing. Look at Johor, locals and tourists mainly from Singapore does not feel safe. To me, that was a shame to the country. Anyway, i seldom talk on the politics, i bring this out because i encounter one very "touching" advertisement from UNICEF...take a look:

So, start love your family members more, i know everybody in this world is busy but spend some time with your loves one, what if you're damn rich but not able to spend "quality" time with your family? There is no right or wrong, just my perception. Adios!!!

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