Saturday, July 14, 2007

Are you prepare for success?

You have just won the lottery! Congratulations! This is exactly what you've wished for and you finally won! You are so excited. But, are you prepared? Do you have a great financial advisor picked out? If not, how will you choose one that you can trust? Do you know how you'll invest the money so it lasts and makes money for you to secure your future? Do you know how you'll upgrade your life and how much it will cost for each improvement? Have you envisioned how you might use the money to better mankind or the earth? Do you know how to think like a millionaire?

You've finally been selected for that promotion you've wanted for years. You are so excited: new title, fancy office, fat paycheck, and one of your perks is your own executive coach! (Okay, so I had to plug that one in.) Everything you've been working for has finally paid off. Are you ready for the hard work ahead? Are you ready for the increase in responsibility? Have you considered how you want to be known in this new position - your new brand - and how you want others to treat you? Have you developed your delegating, organization, and time management skills so you don't find yourself working 60 hours a week? Are you able to communicate your vision and the outcomes you seek clearly and effectively? Are you intimidated by titles and high-powered individuals or do you have the self-confidence and the ability to speak up for yourself when you have something to share? Have you learned how to handle your emotions with style and grace or do you still get ugly when you're frustrated or angry?

Perhaps instead of money or title, you've just met the man or woman of your dreams. You are so happy, so in love. Are you ready to be in love, in joy, and in happiness every day for the rest of your life? Are you ready to give up the single's life and stop "searching" and complaining about how hard it is to find someone...? Do you have the "space" in your time to spend with this person? Are you prepared to let go of control, of having things your way, and are you open to explore new possibilities that includes someone else? Are you willing to accept someone as they are without trying to mold them into someone you think they should be? Are you ready to embrace partnership and commit to creating an extraordinary relationship? This means, you have to be an extraordinary person and partner. Have you done the personal development work and are you willing to continue to work on yourself as you grow in love with this person?

Whatever it is you think you want, you need to prepare for success. Whatever your vision for success, while you are working on achieving it, you must also grow yourself into the kind of person you need to be in order to manage that success.

When you finally get what you want, you find yourself in new territory. What you had was familiar; whether it was comfortable or not, it was within your comfort zone and you were accustomed to living that way. When you achieve something new, be it a degree or promotion or new relationship, you have to "be" different. People struggle with this so much because mostly we know how to "do". But the reality is that if you have not experienced true love in your adult life and it finally knocks on your door, how will you recognize it? Will you be able to embrace it and then maintain this new way of life? If you've been broke for 30 years and now you're rich, can you handle the wealth responsibly so that wealth becomes your new way of life? What if you were finally healthy after 10 years of an illness? You will need to accept health as a new way of life and live differently now that you are able to be more active. Or what if you were finally thin after being overweight for 25 years? You'll be a different person; how will you handle the looks and attention from others? Will you be ready to embrace the "thin you"? Can give up the emotional baggage that comes with holding onto that excess weight and learn to appreciate your body and feel good about yourself?

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