Thursday, May 10, 2007


Successful people, on the other hand, dare to aim for the moon. They believe that everything is possible while most people are taught to settle. But that is the antithesis of the human spirit.
The only failure in life is not to try. You can live your life and learn to manage the mistakes. But if you never try, you atrophy as a human being.

The biggest lie people try to tell themselves is that they should be satisfied with what they have. Yet, the biggest concerned about the many people in unsatisfying and even destructive relationships who are trying to convince themselves or their partners are trying to convince them that what they have is good enough.

To aim for the moon, it is necessary to clarify and write down your goals. In one notable study of graduates, 3 percent of seniors reported having specific written financial goals. About 10 percent had general goals that were not committed to paper. The rest had no specific goals. Twenty years later, the 3 percent who write down their goals outperformed all the others combined. Writing down your goals gives you power and infuses you with commitment. Having a complete vision of the future gives you a constant source of hope and motivation.
I begin to use visualization 2 years ago where i sat down nite at home to visualize what is my goals and vision in the next 1 year, 3 years and 5 years. Most claim that it is one of the most powerful tool in helping us to realize our goals and vision and it comes at no cost. Most successful people do visualize. When my goals was clear in my mind, I just go out and realize it. I was determined because I want it. For example, last year my girlfriend and my father would like to see me on the stage to receive individual awards recognition rather than group presentation. To avoid them disappointed and with my determination, i glad to say i manage to achieve the feat. Although my dad was busy with his schedule and not able to join me on stage at Genting Highland, hope i make him proud and continue to set a good role model for me to copy. Set your mission today coz "no mission means no commission"....Best of Luck!!!

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