Saturday, May 19, 2007

Choosing the Right Career Path

Choosing the right career path is one of the most defining decisions we can make in life. Our job not only says a lot about what kind of person we are, but will influence what type of car we drive, what kind of house we live in, the people we associate with, and more.
Unfortunately most people go to work everyday and put in a mediocre performance, day after day because their heart is just not in their job. They're not interested in learning more about the field that they work in, they don't get excited about new developments, and they just do what is absolutely necessary to keep their job. Most people live for the weekend and are robots during the week. That's 5 days of being a robot and 2 days of doing what you want to do. Why not pursue a passion for 5 days, while adding value to the lives of others, and leave 2 days for recreation and relaxation?

Life is just too short and fleeting to be spending so many precious hours each day doing something that makes us unhappy. It is impossible to do a job that we do not like and to feel fulfilled as a person, because our jobs take up such a large amount of our time. Our job is a big part of who we are.We have to get clear about what it is that gives us fulfillment in life, what fascinates us, or what we are passionate about.

Once our interests are defined, we have to think about what career paths are available in that area. Sometimes there will be clear paths to take, like when our passion is designing websites, the job options could be to become a web designer, web programmer, or similar positions. But other interests may need more creative ways of thinking, like if you are passionate about collecting rare coins, your path may not be so clear.

Because of the responsibilities of modern life and the necessity of money to support our lifestyle and family, we can't just quit our job and immediately pursue our passion. The important thing is that we are moving towards the goal of doing what inspires us in life. Without the clear focus and continual small steps towards achieving our dream job, we would just be kidding ourselves.

Rather than going to work each day and hating the things we do, we can appreciate the job for being a step towards doing what really inspires us. It is putting food on the table, paying the rent, and funding the way towards the right career path. "What is it that you like doing?

If you don’t like it, get out of it, because you’ll be lousy at it. You don’t have to stay with a job for the rest of your life, because if you don’t like it you’ll never be successful in it."

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