Saturday, May 12, 2007

Boredom or Money Making Bliss

Retirement is one of the hot topic among the public. What is your definition of retirement? Boredom or Money Making Bliss? People are retiring at earlier ages than ever before. For some, it's their own choice. For others, the company they work for may offer incentives to take early retirement.At first the idea of retirement makes you giddy. No more alarm clocks.

Doing whatever you please whenever you darn well feel like it! But after awhile even the exciting adventures become boring and you find yourself thinking, "what the heck am I going to do with this extra time?"

We need a purpose. A reason to get up in the morning. Something to excite you. Keep your mind active. A passion! Being retired doesn't mean OLD! Actually, this can become the most exciting part of your life's journey. Because you do have the time to do whatever you want.

If you've had a secret dream throughout your working life, now's the time to dust it off and attack with gusto. Your interests can finally take center stage.

Maybe part of your dream is to follow your passion and make money while doing it. Who can't use extra income? That idea that's been picking at you for years can now be brought forward.

All of us will get to that retirement stage, the question is when. Actually we can make a difference to our lives when we so called "retired". For me, retire doesn't always mean sitting at home plays with grandchildren, or hanging out with old time buddy or play golf, unless if you want to. With standard of living keeps getting higher and inflation, our retirement money will soon be eaten up. Take a look at EPF department, they keep mention that when a person retire at @55years, their money gone in 3-5 years.

Do we want to suffer when we suppose to slow down, relax after decades of hustle and bustle at work. For me is definitely no. People are always curious and always hungry for information. Without doubt, they will pay for your knowledge. We can start writing and earn income.As long as our brain and our body allow us to function, nobody can stop us coz one thing "human capability is infinity". There is no limit to our potential, what stop us is just a question "if we really want it".

Come on folks, Work Hard and Play Hard coz Life is Short.

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