Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Frustrating weekend reap rewards

it's not smooth sailing all the times, that is the reality. Well, last weekend was one of the toughest week i had probably for a long time. Life is damn tough, like it or not, i have to accept it. Customer demands, expectation, satisfaction have to be meet accordingly in today's competitive market. Besides, days pass so fast and in 2 days time will be the end of 6th month of the calendar year.
As the ultimate goal of the year yet to be reach, stress, eating disorder, sleep for average 6 hours a day, and went out to meet as much customers as possible to keep my target within reach. Stay focus is the key to achieve my ultimate goal and i'm still able to maintain focus, concentration although so many things happen to me probably in a week. I learn not to be a complainer, blamer, excuser.
After all the hardwork, frustration, bad times, this morning my immediate superior hand me my weekly commission statement and it was a healthy paycheck. All those hardwork paid off. I realize that what i work so hard for. Besides, i also receive a full paid trip to cambodia next year from my company. No matter what problem or crisis in front of us, stay focus, positive attitude, plan, analyze and start the action. Life is meant to be tough. Take up the challenge and continue our journey up the hill to be the very best.

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