Monday, May 14, 2007


Have you ever stopped to consider that a person's success or failure in life is predictable? This is one of those universal truths that is on my mind a great deal.

I believe that just a handful of habits make all of the difference in how a person's life turns out. It's not the things that we do once in a while that make the biggest difference, it's those things that we do consistently that make all of the difference. These are the things that become our foundational habits in life and determine our direction and ultimate destiny.

Here arefive simple success habits:

1. Show up on time.

2. Do what you say you will do.

3. Finish what you start.

4. Say please and thank you.

5. Be real nice.

These commonsense success habits seem almost too simple to mention but yet we all know how well these habits work. People who consistently exhibit these habits are the people we want as friends and colleagues. People that consistently exhibit these habits just have a way of ending up on top. They achieve their goals and help others in the process.It's true that we all probably learned about these habits when we were quite young.

For some of us, these habits have become the key forces that shape our lives. For others, these habits have become a constant source of frustration because they stand as tollbooths to progress. If we don't pay the toll, we can't pass through.I think about these habits and actually practice it every day. Try them for yourself and see what you think.

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