Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Always Take a Step Higher

Human beings are a unique creation in the cosmic scheme of things. Unlike the untold billions of other life forms teaming on the Earth whose nature is an open and shut case human nature is not fixed.

The tiger, the horse, and the bird must express their nature. They have no real choice. And even though they may be free to choose which part of the jungle, or open range, in which they want to feed and roam, these animals have no choice as to the kind of world in which they must dwell.

The tiger can't choose to live above the jungle floor any more than a shark can decide to soar through blue skies. The tiger, horse, bird, and shark must live where they do because of what they are.

But your nature is not fixed. This is spiritual fact. You do have the freedom to choose the kind of world you call your own. Why spend your life in a steamy jungle of roaring thoughts, or in a dark valley filled with sad and worried emotions when, by choosing higher, you can live happier?

"Your days can be as cool and relaxed as a clear mountain stream, if you decide that's the life you want.But, decide you must".

Think of the largest department store you've ever shopped. Each floor of the department store displays and offers items peculiar only to it. You won't find guns and ammo sold on the same floor as books of learning; nor do you find automotive supplies where delicate lace is displayed. And so, in much the same way, the level of each of the floors in our inner mansion determine the life choices available on it.For instance, as long as you live in the basement of this mansion, you can't choose to enjoy the unrestricted cool air and natural sunlight of the first floor resting just above it.

Similarly, on the second floor you can't choose to see the beauty and panorama of the view that only the fifth floor and higher can offer. And so on it goes, all the way to higher and higher floors.Your life experiences are determined by which of these "floors" you dwell upon.

This means that each floor represents a possible life level. But, while each of these inner levels and the natural events attracted to them may be fixed, you are not. You don't have to remain on any level not of your choosing. You have the power to climb. You can change your life experiences by walking away from any of those unwanted worlds within you that create your unpleasant days. In this way, self-departure is the same as self-elevation. Your life is meant to be an upward journey.

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